
Advertising Options And Prices For Independent Escorts

Our advertising options and prices are listed below. You may find out more about each position by clicking 'more info' below each option.
If you have any specific questions please contact us here.

Home Page Featured Escort

Featured Escort

Home page advert

Random rotation

£70  |  1 month
£140  |  3 months
£260  |  6 months
£450  |  12 months

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Top Banner Sponsor

Top Banner Sponsor

Top half of home page

Maximum of 4 spaces only

£90 | 1 month
£180 | 3 months
£320 | 6 months
£600  | 12 months 

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Banner Sponsor

Banner Sponsor

Middle half of home page

Maximum of 8 spaces only

£50 | 1 month
£100 | 3 months
£160 | 6 months
£260  | 12 months 

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Agency Focus

Agency Focus

Middle half of home page

This Option Is Not Available To Independents Escorts


Independent's page sponsor

Independent Sponsor

Top of independent's page

Maximum of 12 spaces only

£40 | 1 month
£80 | 3 months
£140 | 6 months
£250  | 12 months 

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Agency Page Sponsor

Agency Sponsor

Top of agencies page

This Option Is Not Available To Independents Escorts


VIP Page Sponsor

VIP Only Sponsor

Top of VIP Only page

Maximum of 12 spaces only

£50 | 1 month
£100 | 3 months
£160 | 6 months
£260  | 12 months 

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BDSM Page Sponsor

BDSM Sponsor

Top of BDSM page

Maximum of 12 spaces only

£30 | 1 month
£60 | 3 months
£100 | 6 months
£160  | 12 months 

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TS Page Sponsor

TS Sponsor

Top of TS page

Maximum of 12 spaces only

£30 | 1 month
£60 | 3 months
£100 | 6 months
£160  | 12 months 

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Nationality and type Pages Sponsor

Nationality Sponsor

Appears on 60+ pages

Maximum of 12 spaces only

£75 | 1 month
£150 | 3 months
£260 | 6 months
£450  | 12 months 

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UK Page Sponsor

UK Sponsor

Top of UK page

Maximum of 12 spaces only

£30 | 1 month
£60 | 3 months
£100 | 6 months
£160  | 12 months 

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Guest Blog Post

Guest Blog Post

Blog Posts / DoFollow Link

Up to 2 external links

£80  | 12 months 
£240  | Lifetime 

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Limited Number Of Spaces

We have a limited number of spaces on our home page and selected internal pages. All advert spaces are offered on a first come first served basis.

Choose the option(s) you are interested in and submit your application

Got A Question?

If you have any specific questions regarding our advertising options you can always contact us here or look through our FAQ pages or scroll down for more details on each advertising option on offer.

More Details About Each Advertising Option

Home Page Featured Escort

Option 1

  • Featured escort
  • Homepage photo advert
  • Random rotation
  • 274 x 410 static image
  • DoFollow link to your site
  • Less than £1.24 per day (based on 12 months)

The homepage 'Featured Escort' advert (Option 1) gets you a high quality photo appearing on our homepage. Your advert will start at the top position initially (usually for a few days at least) before then being set in a random rotation script with the rest of the adverts. This means your advert will appear in a different, random, position on every visit or refresh of the page thereby making it fair for all. Go for the 12 month option and it works out to less than just £1.24 a day to appear on the home page of www.escort.co.uk!

Top Banner Sponsor

Option 2

  • Top banner sponsor
  • Homepage banner advert
  • Top half of page
  • 270 x 100 static or animated
  • DoFollow link to your site
  • Less than £1.65 per day (based on 12 months)

The home page 'Top Banner Sponsor' advert (Option 2) gets you a banner in a static and fixed position in the top half of the homepage. The banner dimensions are 270 x 100 and banners can be animated or static (Gif or Jpg only and a maximum file size of 60kb). There are only a maximum of 4 banners in this space so please enquire for availability.

Banner Sponsor

Option 3

  • Banner sponsor
  • Homepage banner advert
  • Middle half of page
  • 270 x 100 static or animated
  • DoFollow link to your site
  • Less than 96 pence per day (based on 12 months)

The homepage 'Banner Sponsor' advert (Option 3) gets you a banner in a static and fixed position in the middle half of the homepage. The banner dimensions are 270 x 100 and banners can be animated or static (Gif or Jpg only and a maximum file size of 50kb). There are only a maximum of 8 banners in this space so please enquire for availability. Go for the 12 month option and you will be paying under 96 pence per day for a homepage advert.

Banner Sponsor

Option 4

This option is not available to independent escorts. If you are looking to advertise an agency you can find prices for this option here.

Banner Sponsor

Option 5

  • Independent sponsor
  • Independent's gallery page
  • Top of page
  • 274 x 410 photo advert
  • DoFollow link to your site
  • Less than £0.69 pence per day (based on 12 months)

The 'Independent Sponsor' advert (Option 5) gets you a photo advert at the top of the independent escorts gallery page. Your advert will appear above all other standard and free listings on that page for maximum impact. This page is our main landing page for those looking for independent escorts in London. Maximum of 12 spaces only. Position yourself at the top of this page for under £0.69 pence per day.

Banner Sponsor

Option 6

This option is not available to independent escorts. If you are looking to advertise an agency you can find prices for this option here.

Banner Sponsor

Option 7

  • VIP Only sponsor
  • VIP gallery page
  • Top of page
  • 274 x 410 photo advert
  • DoFollow link to your site
  • Less than 96 pence per day (based on 12 months)

The 'VIP Only Sponsor' advert (Option 7) gets you a photo advert at the top of the VIP escorts gallery page. Your advert will appear above all other standard and free listings on that page for maximum impact. This page is our main landing page for those looking for high class London escorts. Maximum of 12 spaces only. Position yourself at the top of this page for under 96 pence per day.

Banner Sponsor

Option 8

  • BDSM sponsor
  • BDSM gallery page
  • Top of page
  • 274 x 410 photo advert
  • DoFollow link to your site
  • Less than 44 pence per day (based on 12 months)

The 'BDSM Sponsor' advert (Option 8) gets you a photo advert at the top of the BDSM escorts gallery page. Your advert will appear above all other standard and free listings on that page for maximum impact. This page is our main landing page for those looking for BDSM and fetish. Maximum of 12 spaces only. Go for the 12 month option and you will be paying under 44 pence per day.

Banner Sponsor

Option 9

  • TS sponsor
  • TS gallery page
  • Top of page
  • 274 x 410 photo advert
  • DoFollow link to your site
  • Less than 44 pence per day (based on 12 months)

The 'TS Sponsor' advert (Option 9) gets you a photo advert at the top of the TS escorts gallery page. Your advert will appear above all other standard and free listings on that page for maximum impact. This page is our main landing page for those looking for TS and shemale escorts. Maximum of 12 spaces only. Go for the 12 month option and you will be paying just under 44 pence per day.

Banner Sponsor

Option 10

  • Nationality Sponsor
  • Over 60 Pages
  • Top half of page
  • 250 x 250 banner advert
  • DoFollow link to your site
  • Less than £1.24 pence per day (based on 12 months)

The 'Nationality Sponsor' advert (Option 10) gets you a large square banner in the top half of over 60 of our escorts by nationality pages. See the full list of pages at 'escorts by nationality'. Your advert will appear after the first line of photo adverts. Maximum of 12 spaces only. Go for the 12 month option and you will be paying under £1.24 per day for a banner placement in over 60 high ranking pages.

Banner Sponsor

Option 11

  • UK sponsor
  • UK gallery page
  • Top of page
  • 274 x 410 photo advert
  • DoFollow link to your site
  • Less than 44 pence per day (based on 12 months)

The 'UK Sponsor' advert (Option 11) gets you a photo advert at the top of the UK escorts gallery page. Your advert will appear above all other standard and free listings on that page for maximum impact. This page is our main landing page for those looking for escorts in the UK. Maximum of 12 spaces only. Go for the 12 month option and you will be paying just under 44 pence per day.

Banner Sponsor

Option 12

  • Guest blog post
  • Up to 2 external links
  • DoFollow link
  • 12 month or lifetime options

The 'Guest Blog Post' option (Option 12) gets you a guest blog post within our blog pages. As long as your article is well written, original and informative we will post your article for a full 12 months. Need us to write an article for you? We can certainly do that also for a small additional fee.

Discount Package

Check out our highly discounted multiple advert packages. Home page adverts on multiple sites with one discounted price and all up and running within 24 to 72 hours.
Click for the discounted packages